Sunday, September 28, 2008


So right now i am sitting in Abby's house doing nothing. We were working on home work but now i am done and she and Kelsey are still hard at work so i was like perfect time to blog because i never seem to find time when i am at my house. Speaking of my house I am staying away at all cost. So what happens was that yesterday my dad asked me to take out the trash some time that day and I was like sure I can but I have things to do today so I will do it later. So later I get a call from him and as soon as I answer he starts yelling saying that if it is not done with in the next 30 min. I lose my car for a week. I was like WTF. So I try to tell him that I have co-op and leave school early so I need a car and he gets even more mad at me and hangs up. I call me mom to ask her what is going on and if I could do it when I got home because like I had told my dad I was not driving and we had just got to the store so I could not just be like turn around the store was not that close. She gave her cell to my dad to answer and he was like she wont be any help to you at all. WTF!!!!!!! So we turn around because I have to have a car and get to my house to find no one home. Well if I was not pissed before I sure was now I walked into the house and slammed my keys into the floor along with my bag. So now I am not talking to my mom or my dad and I have to go see them at some fam. thing.

This should be fun!

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