Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sisters and boys

last weekend I went up to central to see my sister Alex and had an amazing time. Well until a stupid boy took her heart and smashed it against the wall. The worst part in all of this is that they live in the same house and even the same floor. So now she is hiding out not wanting to go home because she may have to see him but she did nothing wrong he was the one that told her how much he liked her the night before and then the next day stayed the night at some girls house. Now he has both me and are other sister Ellie wanting to kill him because you can't hurt one of us and not have the others braking down the door.

Two days later I get a call from Kailey and I know something is up. She has just got off work and wants to come over NOW. When she gets to my house I can tell something is up but before we can talk I have to help my mom with the kids. So now today she called two times and sends me a message so i get off work and call her she wants to hang out and i told her to come on over. When Kailey gets to my house she said she needed to talk and just drive around to clear her mind. It turns out all this time her and her boy friend have been on a brake because he thinks that she has changed and he hates the fact that she talks to other boys.

After seeing two of my sisters get hurt this bad I can only come up with one thing, boys suck and no mater what you do you can't make them happy (so that was two things get over it).

Monday, August 18, 2008


So today i have a chance to actually sit down at the computer for more then five seconds and read what some of my favorite people have been up to. Yes I see them almost on a daily basis but its the things that they can't or wont say out loud that I get to read and i love it.

Over the last couple of weeks I leaned somethings that by the time you turn 12 you should all ready know.

  1. Just because you have a car does not mean it will work.
  2. Some times wishes don't come true.
  3. Not all people care
  4. You may think somebody knows you but then again you could be wrong.
  5. Friends don't always stay friends.
  6. people will walk out of your life (even if it hurts you).
  7. Family is meant to be confusing.
  8. People will lean on you a little to much.
  9. You can't always be in control of your life.
  10. And last but not least fishing is hard!!!

If you have not noticed by now my life has been on the edge of a cliff threatening to fall into hell at any time. My grandpa went in for surgery and came out unable to walk (that was not supposed to happen) and because he was in the hospital for so long he became depressed and was getting worse. He is finally able to walk a little and is home but still not at his best.

Work has now taken over my life. If not at MD then I am at home changing dippers ( not my idea of a good summer vacation). What ever happened to doing nothing but hanging out with your friends at the pool and being crazy. I feel like every time i do get to hang out with my friends all we talk about is what colleges we want to go to and what summer homework is still left to do.

My house has been taken over by children and you can no longer even change in a room that has no lock on the door. But on the plus side i have completely redone me closet and looks amazing. I wish that I had Abby's ability to just dance and sing and be crazy in my own house but I don't see that happening,

School starts on the 2nd and it makes me sick that summer is all ready over. Soon it will be homework every night. But homecoming is early this year and that means i can get an amazing dress and not freeze to death during pictures for once.

Unfortunately the only baby i am responsible for is now awake and screaming his head off so I have to go.