Sunday, July 13, 2008


So I know it has been way to long but with work, class (no not summer school), and trying to have a life I don't have the time to breath let alone go on the computer. so today after working an eight hour shift i come home to an empty house and can actually hear my self think! It is amazing there are no little kids running around screaming and no parents with the T.V. so loud that you can hear nothing. So let me back track. Fourth of July was good. I spent the day at the beach with my mom, cousin, and brother getting sunburned and watching fireworks (they were OK). But the day before we had to put are 15 year old dog to sleep and i lost it. Thank god i have people that love me to help pull all the pieces back together even if they are two hours away. I still think that one morning i will wake up and she will be laying next to my bed like she used to. But it is part of life and we have to learn to move on but to always keep a that loved one in the heart.